The Empty Jar by Ope
Hello again Readers,
it's Nifemi here. This post isn't from me, but from a very good friend of mine since middle school or junior high.
He is also one of the authors of the blog.
I did mention about hearing from some of my colleagues in a previous post titled
Go check it out!
[ Let the story begin:
The boy, excited by the idea, placed the jar on his desk and stared at it every day. At first, he thought about filling it with his favorite toy cars, then maybe some coins he had saved. But something always felt off none of it seemed "valuable enough."
Weeks passed, and the boy hadn’t put anything in the jar. His friends had filled theirs with glitter, candy, and drawings. They showed off their treasures proudly, while the boy’s jar stayed empty, gathering dust.
On the final day, the teacher asked the children to bring their jars to school. The boy, feeling embarrassed, showed up with his empty jar. When it was his turn to explain, he hung his head low and said, “I didn’t put anything in my jar. I couldn’t figure out what was the most valuable.”
The teacher smiled and gently lifted his chin. “You brought the most valuable thing of all,” she said.
The boy looked confused. “But it’s empty,” he whispered.
The teacher nodded. “Exactly. While others filled their jars quickly, you took time. You didn’t rush to fill your jar just for the sake of it. You valued thoughtfulness and intention. Sometimes, what seems empty to others holds the most potential because it's waiting for something truly meaningful.”
The boy’s face lit up. He hadn’t failed; he had learned something more important than filling a jar.
The Lesson is : In a world that rushes to fill every space, sometimes it's the empty moments, the pauses, and the patience that lead to the most valuable outcomes. Don’t be afraid of taking your time to find what truly matters.
Story ends... ]
To be honest, I really enjoyed the story's way of passing a lesson to us.
The author, Ope, gave me the honor of naming the story. To be honest, naming it gave me a problem. I couldn't decide it easily.
So I had a few help from some very reliable source. And they told me to keep it simple yet allows curiosity. So the title, "The Empty Jar" was chosen.
For me its way too simple but it is better than the ideas I had.
I want to thank my good friend for having the time to prep something out for us to read. You guys should show your thanks to him in the comment section. Let's hear our opinions on the story and its impact on you!
The title is perfect, the story is good too.